We are currently going through an unprecedented crisis.These scamming attempts, usually quite frequent, have multiplied in recent weeks. The French DGSI provides advice in its Flash n°61 to counter and act against these scams.
Many French companies have already fallen victims of scams and/or attempted scams. In the event of contact by a company or individual, French or foreign, up to know unknown to the authorities, it is recommended to be suspicious or, in case of doubt, to abstain.
In times of very high global demand for medical protection equipment, and even in some cases shortages, it seems unlikely that a mask or hand sanitizer production company would need to conduct commercial prospecting, by mail or telephone, to sell off its stocks. Such canvassing should raise suspicions of a possible scam.
Before proceeding with any payment, it is important to evaluate a seller's good character by approaching various entities: banks, health authorities (ministry, regional health agency, hospitals), economic protection services (Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Economy), etc.
If the scam is successful, report it immediately to the police. Keep all elements (mails, names, etc.) that can contribute to the investigation. Reporting platforms set up by public authorities also make it possible to denounce these fraudulent attempts. In particular, we refer you to the website of the Ministry of the Interior: www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr
In addition to these tips, the DGSI and the Ministry of the Interior give you some examples of scam situations. These examples can be found directly in their report.
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